BSc Civil Engineering Technology


The field of Civil Engineering Technology and its allied infrastructure industry has been the trademark of Pakistan’s finance from last many years. It is the largest employment sector and earns the highest amount of foreign reserve. Being the largest industrial sector, it needs a huge workforce with prominent level of skills. The Department of Civil Engineering Technology is established to engage the brightest students of the country and equip them with all skills necessary to manage the civil and urban infrastructure industry.

The Department of Civil Engineering Technology is distinguished from other institutes in several ways. It has state of the art labs related to designing, manufacturing and testing of all kinds of building materials as well as road materials and other infrastructural entities. It is offering a degree in Civil Engineering Technology which is more focused on hands-on experience. Civil Engineering Technology program has a staunch emphasis on more practical contents than theory. Continuous industrial visits, internships and projects will make the graduates more suitable for modern Civil Engineering Technology requirements.

Mission of Civil Engineering Technology Department

To provide an excellent platform to produce technologists having advanced technical skills and ethical values to serve the society by providing innovative solutions in Civil Engineering Technology.

Accreditation History of Civil Engineering Technology Department

  • Batches Spring-2018 and Fall-2018 of Civil Engineering Technology Department were granted accreditation in April, 2023 (ref. No. NTC/12/05/Accreditation; dated: 13-04-2023).
  • Batch Fall-2019 of Civil Engineering Technology Department was granted accreditation in October 2023 (ref. No. NTC/12/05/Accreditation; dated: 31-10-2023).

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

After 3-5 years of graduation, a graduate of BSc Civil Engineering Technology will be able to:

  • PEO-1: Apply knowledge and skills to provide sustainable solutions to challenging civil engineering technology problems.
  • PEO-2: Enhance intellectual and analytical abilities in taking initiatives to develop innovative ideas for technological and professional growth in civil engineering technology.
  • PEO-3: Manage civil engineering technology and social problems individually or as a team while adhering to work ethical values”.

Table: Mapping of University Vision, Mission and Program Mission to PEO’s.

University Vision, Mission and Program Mission



University Vision:

PTUT aspires to become a leading international university in South Asia which will produce highly competent, innovative and creative technologists for local and international industries and organizations.

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University Mission:

By facilitating a state-of-the-art learning environment to produce highly competent, innovative, and creative technologists to serve social needs with the collaboration of state-of-the-art universities in China and develop industry links for the mutual benefit of the university and the industry to create an environment to share the experiences of international faculty members and students.

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Program Mission:

To provide an excellent platform to produce technologists having advanced technical skills and ethical values to serve the society by providing innovative solutions in Civil Engineering Technology.

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Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The twelve PLOs, as recommended by the NTC, for B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology Program are:

  1. Engineering Technology Knowledge (SA1/PLO1): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, Engineering Technology fundamentals and Engineering Technology specialization to defined and applied Engineering Technology procedures, processes, systems or methodologies.
  2. Problem Analysis (SA2/PLO2): An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to the discipline or area of specialization.
  3. Design/Development of Solutions (SA3/PLO3): An ability to design solutions for broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems and contribute to the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Investigation (SA4/PLO4): An ability to conduct investigations of broadly-defined problems; locate, search and select relevant data from codes, data bases and literature, design and conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern Tool Usage (SA5/PLO5): An ability to Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technology and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The Engineering Technologist and Society (SA6/PLO6): An ability to demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to Engineering Technology practice and solutions to broadly defined Engineering Technology problems.
  7. Environment and Sustainability (SA7/PLO7): An ability to understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of Engineering Technology work in the solution of broadly defined Engineering Technology problems in societal and environmental contexts.
  8. Ethics (SA8/PLO8): Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Engineering Technology practice.
  9. Individual and Teamwork (SA9/PLO9): An ability to Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams.
  10. Communication (SA10/PLO10): An ability to communicate effectively on broadly defined Engineering Technology activities with the Engineering Technologist community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project Management (SA11/PLO11): An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Engineering Technology management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Lifelong Learning (SA12/PLO12): An ability to recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specialist Engineering Technologies.

Table: Mapping of PLOs with PEOs.

Sr. No.




Engineering Technology Knowledge



Problem Analysis


Design/Development of Solutions





Modern Tool Usage

6 The Engineering Technologist and Society



Environment and Sustainability






Individual and Teamwork  






Project Management



Lifelong Learning




  • Duration: Four Academic Years (08 Semesters)
  • Study System: Semester
  • Total Credit Hours: 136


The Department of Civil Engineering Technology contains following laboratories:

  1. Building Materials Lab
  2. Surveying Lab
  3. Soil Mechanics Lab
  4. Transportation Engineering Lab
  5. Fluid Mechanics Lab
  6. Hydrology Lab
  7. Concrete Material Lab
  8. Drawing Hall
  9. Computer Lab


  • Seats in each discipline offered by the university will be distributed as under:
  1. Category 1: 80% seats for DAE Qualification.
  2. Category 2: 20% seats for Intermediate Qualification.
  • An admission test is compulsory for all students enrolled in the University with admission criteria 70% of the DAE/ Intermediate marks + 30 % of the entry test marks.